was a relatively short drive this day to Toronto. The timed the departure from
Gatineau in such a manner as to beat the morning peak. However, by the time I
was in Ottawa the morning rush hour was evident. Thereafter, the drive was
smooth, without any holdups. The pleasant drive on the Trans Canada Highway
brought me into Toronto earlier than I had anticipated. When I had looked up
accommodation in Toronto on I had come across highly priced ones in
downtown and the only one that looked reasonable was the one offered by North
York University. I booked the accommodation there keeping in mind the
experience I had in a University accommodation in North Bay. However, the one in
North York University disappointed deeply.
I had a message from those in charge
of the booking that I should get to 324 Cook Road and text to a number given on
the door. When I reached there I found a number to call. The person at the
other end asked me to go to another building for the check in. when I reached
there a person of Chinese origin, with little knowledge of the English
language, after a bit of muddling through, gave me instructions to take the key
to a room from under the mat inside the building where I was to stay! He gave
me a note mentioning the door number, WiFi password and the number lock. When I
lugged the bags to the room mentioned I found that it was not ready for
occupation. I went back to the building to meet the Chinese guy yet again. This
time a Chinese lady, with lesser understanding of the language addressed my
concern. She gave me another room on the third floor! The room was ready but
was so bare that it did not have any facilities for either heating food or
water. Ridiculous, I thought and surely will intimate the site to mention this
prominently against the facility. The main door was meant to be kept locked,
but it never was, giving free access to all and sundry compromising security.
The building itself is very dingy and gave off smells that put me off totally.
Since the rent for the accommodation had already been taken from my credit card
there was very little I could do. I had to stomach it and stay for two days in
that lousy accommodation.

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