hostels operate as a hotel during summer vacation. When I mentioned at the
check-in that I had stayed in one such in North Bay the girl told me that the
management has summer accommodation available in many cities across Canada.
They even had them in Toronto. If I had known that I would have booked it
instead of the shoddy North York University. The only shortcoming in the hostel
accommodation is that while it has a common kitchen there aren’t any cooking and serving vessels or implements. The girl at the reception told me that customers
often walk away with plates, spoons and whatever and hence, the management took
the decision to keep them safely locked away! Such things happen even in a
‘civilised’ country. The two bedroom suite is quite large and comfortable with
a fridge and microwave in a big sized living area within the suite. When I woke
up after a short nap I felt extremely cold and brought this to the notice of
the reception. She came to the room and showed me how to operate the
thermostat. I turned it up and left for a short sightseeing trip.
Sudbury is the fifth largest Canadian city by area. Situated near the Ramsey
Lake waterfront is Science North, a museum, IMAX theatre and a planetarium. An
initiative of the museum is Dynamic Earth, an interactive museum set up to
highlight the city's mining heritage and focus on geology and its evolution.
Many exhibits around the Dynamic Earth Centre, which was closed when I visited,
educate one about rocks and the information they contain about geological
evolution. After that experience I started looking at rocks as if they were in
a communicative mood, wanting to tell me about the millions of years of their
experience. For instance, one of the boards placed at the Centre said that the
white stripes on the rocks are quartz veins that moved into cracks formed by
tectonic shifts, cooled over time and hardened. The rocks are eroded mountains
that form our landscape today. What Nature provided over billions of years man
consumes in less than a lifetime and leaves behind non-biodegradable material that
will harm the environment for generations to come!

driving into the city I had seen an advertisement of Taj Bistro, an Indian
restaurant. After the park boardwalk I was ready for a decent meal, a deviation
from the usual noodle stuff. On the menu were mouth watering delicacies. But, I
was not sure if I would get to taste authentic Indian stuff. However, when the
young girl from Ahmedabad took my order she asked if I preferred to have medium
or spicy food I knew that the restaurant was frequented by Indians looking for
spicy Indian food. There was a fairly large number of Indians, mostly students,
in the restaurant. One girl made a complete nuisance of herself trying to mend
a friend’s broken heart over phone, speaking in her lingo, without any care
that others were part of the restaurant experience, and later explaining to her
boyfriend of all the troubles she was going through sorting out such matters. I
think I heard her claiming that she knew Mahabharat and Ramayan at the age of
four! The young man sitting in friend of her had his head immersed in the
mountains of food she ordered.

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