was a clearer day in St. John's and I was grateful for that keeping in mind the
kind of weather that had greeted me on the drive in to the city. Over a
leisurely breakfast I met an elderly couple who were visiting St. John’s from
Alberta. They were on a trip down memory lane. They had visited the lady’s
great grandfather’s house and erstwhile farm in Halifax. They told me that the
farmlands were no longer being farmed, but a portion of the house he had built nearly
three quarters of a century ago was still in use! I spied a sense of pride in
the lady’s eyes when she narrated it. They had plans to travel in Newfoundland
for almost two weeks including Gros Morne Mountain, proving that it is never
too old to travel. Listening to them I felt that one ages if one does not
travel and experience new places and people.

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