When I was in Broome, Mark of Kimberley Travellers' Lodge had told me that I should fuel up in Cloncurry, as his maps did not show any fuel station between Cloncurry and Normanton. In fact, he had even suggested that I go to Cairns via Townsville instead of Normanton. For me, the detour through Normanton was to get back to Highway 1, which was closed between Borroloola and Burketown. I went to Cloncurry town and tanked up for the drive to Normanton. A short while after I had turned on to the road to Normanton, I noticed that both sides of the road were ‘littered’ with millions of termite mounds. I stopped at a place where there was a recess in the road to take a few photographs. I was swarmed by flies. This country has a major problem with this, I find. In between swatting flies and ensuring that they do not intrude into any orifices I took a few pictures. When I was doing that I noticed thick black smoke billowing in the background and it was barreling. It didn’t look like a bush fire. I didn’t give it much thought further as self-preservation was the first objective; getting away from the flies and making sure that those that gatecrashed into the car were given an opportunity to leave.

My eyes were getting heavier by the minute and the roadhouse in Burke&Wiliams was a most welcome break. While having a cup of coffee I got access to fast internet and that updated the current weather in Normanton, which seemed to hold. However, on way to Normanton I noticed water on the road, road damage and water rising in certain places. The Flinders River was muddied and currents were swift. A few people were fishing there too. Apart from that there was hardly any traffic in the region. At about half past one I reached the Normanton Tourist Park, where I had booked my accommodation. Shane had been my contact over the Net and I met him there. As I was checking in I asked Shane, casually, about the road condition to Cairns and got the shock of my life. He told me that the roads to Karumba, Cairns and Burketown have been closed for a few days and the one to Cairns is not likely to be open for at least five days. He showed me a traffic update and all I could see were quietly flowing flood waters. I was alarmed. Shane said that I could have saved myself the trip from Cloncurry if I had phoned him up. I kicked myself for not having done that.

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