About 130 km short of the Border Village the mobile phone clock went back 150 minutes! I thought that the time change would happen in Western Australia, but here I was quite some distance away from the divide. The puzzle was solved at the Border Village when I heard, for the first time, about the ‘compromise’ central western time.

Most of the evening I spent in the roadhouse restaurant, making myself many cups of coffee and catching up on documentation and information that may be useful for the next day’s drive. However, the non-availability of Wi-Fi stopped me from completing all I wanted to. By late evening the complex was almost fully covered by campers. I had the last can of Canadian Club and went back to the restaurant for dinner. I opted for one of the Chef’s options from the dinner menu – the roast pork. I was indeed very hungry having survived on a sandwich, biscuits and dry fruits the whole day. The huge portion of roast pork was embellished with boiled vegetables such as broccoli, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and sweet potato. The sauce was delectable. I took my time but got through the whole meal.
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