The next invitation to explore was only a few km away, where a signboard points to sand dunes about 5 km away. We were really curious to know how there could be sand dunes in such a vast area of verdant hills and grazing pastures. The diversion initially took us to a few sheep pens. We saw the unbelievable sight of trained dogs shepherding sheep into their pens. Straying animals were ‘rudely told’ by the dogs to fall in line with others, or else! 2200 heads were herded into an enclosure on the side of the road and it was an experience that will not be forgotten easily. One of the guys there told me that wool will be sheared in the next three weeks.

Paihai, Archana had told me, is a coastal town not to be missed. When we reached there we knew what she had meant. The stunning views across the waterfront of the quiet town with lovely houses and small gardens in front of them, the undulating landscape and a host of cafes and restaurants make it truly the Jewel of the Bay of Islands. People were engaged in kayaking, swimming and fitness regimes when we entered the Alfresco’s waterfront family run café for a snack and coffee. The crunchy garlic loaf and Tuscan veg salad were extremely tasty. Raj, from Kurukshetra who served us, told us that summer is when the crowds overflow in the café.
The distance from Paihia to Whangarei is normally covered in 45 minutes. However, the direct road has been closed, Raj told us, for over two months. This meant a diversion of over 40 km to our destination for night halt. The drive was smooth and without any hassle. When we reached the Continental Motel, where we were booked to stay, Monica, who runs the establishment, heaved a sigh of relief. She said that she was unable to get details of my card that had expired! It was fortunate that she had kept the reservation and what happened in Sydney did not repeat. After check in and payment Monica showed us to the comfortable rooms and told us that retail stores and restaurants were within walking distance of the motel. We made a quick visit to the Countdown store for milk, bread and fruits. Rain had begun and it was getting heavy by the time we got back to the room. It was Carlsberg beer and a dinner of rice and Thai Green Curry before bed.
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