I was ready after breakfast with
the blog posts updated and rest of clothes washed. Dattan had requested a
couple of his friends to assist us with a guide so that we would be able to get
by without wasting time for interpretation and asking for directions to the
various places of interest. Finally Rajhu agreed to provide one of his staff
who was conversant in English. Unfortunately, Lena could not be contacted as
she was at her driving lessons. Instead, Rajhu asked Jana to accompany me to a
visit of the Moscow Metro stations, which are called “underground palaces of
Moscow” for its architecture. They have become popular sights for visitors to
the city. The old, pre-war stations
symbolise the industrialisation of Russia whereas the post-war ones were made
to symbolise victory and pride of the nation. The first metro line was the
Sokolnicheskaya, built in 1935. Most of them have a theme and are grand. The
escalators in some of them are so vertical that a small jerk can knock one
horizontal, as it almost happened to me during the visit. The 12 lines
crisscrossing from south to north and east to west, along with the circular
line, provide seamless connectivity for commuters and tourists. Work is on to
further increase the network of the Metro.

Prior to leaving for the Metro visit I gave Jana a list of stations I
wanted to go to. I had picked them up from readings before the journey. Though
Jana was not conversant with English she understood what I wanted to do, with
inputs from Rajhu. She made an itinerary almost instantaneously and we went on
our way. One by one we visited "Majakovskaya", which is considered
one of the most beautiful stations, the "Revolution Square",
"Kropotkinskaya", "Komsomolskaya", "Novoslobodskaya",
etc that are considered the most interesting architectural monuments of
1930-1950. Some of them are also protected by the state as valuable
cultural objects. The underground complexes are decorated by statues, monuments
and art such as paintings, mosaics, and stained-glass windows. The idea was to
give every station an individual shape and appearance.
In between the Metro station visits Lena joined us and communication
became more two way in nature. They provided
valuable insights into modern day Russian life, their outlook to various
aspects of Russian polity, economy and culture. I considered it important to
understand Russia from their standpoint for they stand for what Russia will be
in the future. Both of them took good care of me and ensured that I did not
miss out on any of the important places of interest. It is they who decided on
visiting the Old Arbatskaya, the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the VDNKh,
the Moscow River embankment, etc. The fact that they face harsh winter
conditions for nearly 7 months of the year the Muscovites enjoy a great deal of
the sun. They do whatever they need to do to soak in every bit of the sun they
can. I found it amusing to see people of all ages, in many stages of dress and
undress, exposing themselves to catch every sun ray the day threw at them.
The Old Arbatskaya is a kilometre long pedestrian walkway in the historical
part of Moscow. It is arguably one of the oldest surviving streets of Russia
since it existed from the 15th century. It was home to craftsmen in the
early days. By the 18th century it was regarded as prime residential
property for the nobles. Today the street and its surroundings a
considered a desirable place to live. Because of the many historic buildings,
and the numerous artists who have lived and worked in the street, the Arbat is
also an important tourist attraction. Walking the long road one encounters history,
be it the Pushkin monument, the Theatre or the Artisans Home. The long winding
road is also home to the Foreign Office located in one of the Seven Sisters,
the identical buildings built to confuse potential political desecrators. It was
steaming hot while negotiating the many sights of the Old Arbatskaya. Ice creams
were one solution. I followed that up with Strawberry filled Crepes for lunch
in the company of Jana and Lena.
The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was meant in concept to be gratitude
for the divine intervention in saving Russia from the onslaught of Napoleon in
1812. The design concept and site
changed many times till it emerged from the covers in 1860. It is considered
the tallest Orthodox Christian Church in the world. The original church, built
in the 19th century, was destroyed during the Communist rule. It was
reconstructed in the last decade of the 20th century. The gilded
giant domes can be seen from miles away. From the footbridge across the Moscow
River, called the Patriarshy Bridge, one can enjoy lovely views of the Kremlin,
the giant memorial to Peter the Great, the Red October chocolate factory and
the Central House of Artisans. After a worshipful walk in the Cathedral and the
crypt I enjoyed a glass of Kvass, a local drink made of dried grapes, bread and
Rajhu had invited us to dinner along with Dattan Nair. By the time I got back I was told that Lal and Baiju were in the company of Sunny Chacko and were unlikely to be with us for dinner. Since I had to drive the next morning I regretfully limited intake of the excellent Kremlin Vodka. Thereafter it was dinner in the Japanese dinner. Dattan and Rajhu Nair ordered and I got ready to experience my first Shushi meal. I was apprehensive about tasting raw fish. And I was in for a most pleasant experience. The chef produced salmon, shrimps and fish portions. The wasabi paste and vinegar laced sauce were perfect ‘partners’ to the Sushi rolls. Rajhu made me savour rare caviar too. A generous helping of Tiramisu was the perfect foil to the meal.
In consultation with Dattan and Rajhu
it was decided that we would leave for St. Petersburg only by 10 am so as to
beat the traffic.
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