Over a huge bowl of Pho and sampling of the dishes mentioned
above I became privy to a most amazing story of Tung and his family. He said
that he belonged to the more privileged section of Vietnamese society when the
war was raging in Saigon. Privileged in the sense that he had good education,
clothes to wear, food to eat and a home that he could call his own. After his
studies he volunteered to join the US Air Force in Saigon, somewhat against the
wishes of his family. He was trained by capable hands and served the Air Force
till he was taken prisoner and remained thus till 1977. He joined a group of
people on a boat to Penang, where he sought political asylum. As part of a
worldwide resettlement program for political refugees from Vietnam he reached
the shores of USA and started life anew in Virginia. His brother went off to
France and his two sisters are nuns. After reskilling himself for four years in
the USA he joined the software industry and recently retired from active
professional life. He visits Saigon annually with his wife, who is from Dong
Nai. This time he has planned a road trip to Angkor Wat with his friends after
a brief halt in his wife’s ancestral home. Tung had a different version of the
Vietnam War and told me that much of what was seen in the museums around
Vietnam should be taken with large sacks of salt!

I booked a Grab bike to go to the Saigon Zoo and Botanical Garden and promptly a biker turned up. I didn’t think it amiss at the time that the driver was neither wearing a grab jacket or the trademark helmet. When I was wearing the helmet, I told him my destination and he said that he knew where to go. The App showed that I would have to pay a fare of VND 34000. He took off and seemed to have gone a very long distance when I reiterated the destination a couple of times. After what felt way beyond the rote he stopped to check the route and found that he was way off. He started cursing his luck and got back to the right path after many detours and U-turns. Finally, after nearly 45 minutes on the road I was at the entrance to the botanical gardens. When I gave him the fare mentioned by the App he refused and demanded three times that amount. I stood my ground and argued that it was his fault that he had lost the way. He started threatening me and I also became slightly aggressive. He collected a few people around him, but I did not budge. I told him that I would offer him no more than VND 40,000 and that he could take it if he wanted. After fuming some more he left with what I gave him. It was a grim reminder that there were bad eggs among the vast numbers of Grab bikers. However, I suspect that he was not an accredited one in the group, because I did not get the usual message to rate the drive after the trip was concluded.

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